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SJ Group was conceived by Gabriel Moacyr Teixeira, a gaucho from Santa Maria that fell in love with the cerrado of western Bahia, who had as his main objectives to diversify investments and work with his two passions: agriculture and beef cattle. The first areas were acquired in 1992 with the acquisition of the SJ Farm, in the city of Correntina – BA, where the central office, the SJ Cotton and the Seed Industry SJ Seeds are located today.

Soy and corn have always been our main crops, along with coffee, until 2010 and, later, cotton, wheat, beans and fodder. Since the start, the Group innovated in sustainable practices for soil management and natural resources protection, having been precursors in Western Bahia in the maintenance of ecological corridors interspersed with cultivation areas.

In 2008, Luiza and Ricardo took over the Group business management and, through the implementation of new governance techniques and a reformulation of strategic planning, accelerated towards the future. The rapid growth, the diversification and the businesses verticalization were the natural consequences of this process. Currently, the São José Group has farms in Western Bahia and Tocantins, operating in seed and livestock production, fibers, soy, beans, wheat and corn. Everything is distributed among four business unities: SJ Crop; SJ Seeds; SJ Cotton e SJ Ranch.

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